5 Actions You Can Take To Help Promote Clean Water
It’s Stormwater Awareness Week, and we’re joining forces with other Soil and Water Conservation Districts across Ohio by encouraging residents to “be the change for clean water” and learn how to take action toward protecting our surface water.
Here are some small actions you can take, to help keep our water clean.
- Keep storm drains clear of debris.
- Clean up litter in your neighborhood or local parks.
- Test your soil and if you need fertilizer, only use organic fertilizers.
- Pick up and dispose of animal waste in your yard.
- Install a rain garden to help soak up runoff and collect sediment before it reaches our waterways.
Runoff water ends up in our local waterways and directly impacts our drinking water. We all can play a part in preventing water pollution by monitoring our actions at home and being aware of how they affect our environment and water sources.
We’d love to hear how you’re supporting Stormwater Awareness Week. Share the steps you’re taking and your photos with us at askswcd@mahoningcountyoh.gov.