Milligan, Urig Elected Mahoning Soil & Water Board Supervisors
James Milligan of Boardman and Kim Urig of Canfield were elected Monday to three-year terms on the board of supervisors of the Mahoning Soil & Water Conservation District. Their terms will begin January 1, 2020.
Milligan is new to the board and is a sales engineer with Advanced Drainage Systems, based in Columbus.
Urig will serve her third three-year term on the panel. She is a professional writer and blogger and the former program and special events coordinator of Junior Achievement of the Mahoning Valley.
The board and District staff would like to thank everyone who came out to vote Monday at Austintown Township Park and those who voted by absentee ballot.
“We’re glad to welcome James and to have Kim serve another term,” said KATHLEEN VRABLE-BRYAN, District administrator. “Our board helps set the direction of our District office and our supervisors act as ambassadors in their communities, helping to promote the conservation of natural resources.”
The Mahoning County Soil & Water Conservation District advances best management practices for conserving land and water resources by providing education, technical assistance and stewardship. Established in 1950, the District is staffed by a small but effective team of environmental professionals who lead efforts in community and school outreach, stormwater control, watershed protection, pond management and more. The District is governed by a five-member volunteer board of supervisors and maintains offices at 850 Industrial Road in Youngstown.
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