Consider Becoming an SWCD Board Member
By Kathleen Vrable-Bryan
It is that time of year when many social and water conservation districts begin to hold their annual banquets and elections.
These are times to celebrate and elect board members that ensure success. Five supervisors represent their counties’ residents by serving on their districts’ boards for three-year terms. Board member terms are staggered with annual elections.
As with all public officials, the rights and responsibilities of district office board members are written in the applicable sections of the Ohio Revised Code and the Ohio Administrative Code.
Board members play crucial roles in supporting and promoting their SWCDs. We count on them for their local knowledge and project support.
Utilizing their skills sets, board members may work with other agencies, organizations and government offices to coordinate partnership efforts with their districts.
Board members do not only provide valuable guidance to the districts they serve, but they also ensure their districts are implementing conservation works of improvement, assisting with the responsible use of natural resources and providing necessary education to the counties they serve.
SWCD board members are local leaders who provide credibility to their districts. To assist SWCD board members and their staffs, the SWCD Administrative Handbook was formulated by the staff of the Ohio Department of Agriculture’s Division of Soil and Water Conservation. The handbook serves as a valuable resource for board members.
If serving on the Mahoning County Soil & Water Conservation District board interests you, now is the time to start thinking about running in a SWCD election.
Applicants must be 18 years of age or older and reside in Mahoning County. in which the election is to be held. Candidates can be nominated by the SWCD Nominating Committee or they can petition to be on the board by obtaining at least 10 valid signatures on the SWCD Candidate Nomination Petition.
Each applicant must complete a brief application form that details their previous experience with environmental practices or activities, outside organizations and/or conservation farming practices that add to their qualifications.
In addition to board members, SWCDs also can have associate board members who are equally as passionate about their counties’ natural resources. SWCDs are always looking for conservation-minded individuals to share their knowledge and expertise for the betterment of their counties.
Associates board members’ duties include attending meetings and public functions and sharing their input. If interested in serving as an associate board member, contact your local SWCD office or a current board member.
Serving as an associate board member can help an individual determine if they have the time and willingness to become a full board member. It can take a board member several months to become knowledgeable about all of a district’s activities; serving as an associate helps in acquiring this knowledge.
Mahoning SWCD has a great board and we could not do our work without it. If you are interested in becoming a SWCD board member, attend a public SWCD board meeting and see if you can help make a difference.
Kathleen Vrable-Bryan is district administrator for the Mahoning County Soil & Water Conservation District.