Mahoning SWCD Seeks Board Supervisor Candidates
Mahoning Soil & Water Conservation District is seeking interested, conservation-minded, local leaders to promote conservation of the county’s natural resources through education, planning and technical assistance.
One supervisor will be elected on November 3, 2020, and will begin his/her term in January 2021. He/she will join a board of four other supervisors and one associate supervisor, and will help advise a staff of four.
Supervisors are elected to a three-year term as a public official and serve without pay. Supervisors advocate for the District, attend and participate in monthly board meetings, assist with District programs and services and attend area and state meetings.
Anyone who is a resident of Mahoning County and at least 18 years old is eligible to run for board supervisor. Nominations of candidates may be made two ways:
1. Candidates are nominated by the Mahoning SWCD Nominating Committee. Nominated candidates must complete and submit form EL-1 by September 6, 2020.
2. A Mahoning County resident may petition to be a candidate with ten valid signatures on the EL-2 form. Signatures must be from individuals who are eighteen years of age or older and own or occupy land within Mahoning County. The EL-2 form must be completed and submitted to the Mahoning SWCD by September 16, 2020.
For nomination forms and/or more information, contact Mahoning SWCD District Administrator Kathleen Vrable-Bryan at 330-740-7995 or kvrable-bryan@mahoningcountyoh.gov or James Milligan, SWCD nominating committee chairperson at 330.740.7995 or jimmilligan54@gmail.com.