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Mahoning SWCD Announces Conservation Billboard Design Contest

Mahoning SWCD Announces Conservation Billboard Design Contest


Exciting news for educators and young artists in Mahoning County! The Mahoning County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) is thrilled to announce the launch of it’s annual Conservation Billboard Design Contest, offering students in grades K-4 a platform to showcase their artistic skills while advocating for environmental awareness and conservation.

The theme for this year’s contest is “Protecting Our Water, Sustaining Our Future,” aligning with the district’s mission of fostering a sustainable environment. Students are encouraged to channel their creativity into artworks that convey the importance of environmental stewardship and conservation practices.

Contest Details

  • Eligibility: Open to students in grades K-4 from all schools within Mahoning County.
  • Objective: Create a visually compelling artwork that promotes environmental awareness and conservation.
  • Prize: The winning design will be featured on a Mahoning SWCD Billboard located within the county, providing the young artist with a platform to share their message with the community.

Poster Entry Guidelines

  • Each student can submit one entry.
  • Artworks should be created on 11”x17” horizontal paper using markers, crayons, or colored pencils.
  • Designs must be clear, with large details and easily readable by moving traffic.
  • Judging criteria include conservation message relevance (50%), visual effectiveness (30%), originality (10%), and universal appeal (10%).

How to Enter

  • Teachers are responsible for submitting entries on behalf of their students.
  • Entries can be emailed to or delivered to the Mahoning SWCD office at 850 Industrial Rd, Youngstown, OH.
  • Entry forms can be found using the following link. Forms must be attached to entry and include student’s name, age, grade, guardian contact information, school’s contact details, and teacher’s name.

Submission Deadline All posters must be submitted to the Mahoning SWCD office by 3:00 p.m. on May 23rd to be considered for the contest.

Contest Winners

  • A winner will be selected from each grade.
  • Winners will be announced on May 30th, 2024.
  • Winning students and their schools will be notified regarding the display period of their billboard throughout the year.

For inquiries or additional information, educators can contact Mahoning SWCD at 330-740-7995.

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