The Mahoning Soil & Water District is made up of three staff people and is governed by a five-member volunteer board.
Kathleen Vrable-Bryan
District Administrator
Kathleen is dedicated to improving and maintaining the quality of our natural resources in Mahoning County. She is responsible for implementing the strategic goals and plans set forth by the board of supervisors and she manages the staff and daily operations at the district office. She enjoys working with local, state and federal agencies and the public to accomplish mutual goals to conserve and sustain soil, water and other natural resources in the Valley.
show more Kathi was the 2012 winner of the GM Chevrolet Green Educator Award for North America and Canada. She was an ATHENA Award nominee in 2011. Kathi is a member of the State Envirothon Board and serves on the Urban Networking Committee with other soil and water districts across Ohio. She is also an active volunteer for non-profit agencies including the Community Foundation of the Mahoning Valley Women and Children’s Fund, Healthy Community Partnership Mahoning Valley Parks and Green Spaces committee and St. Vincent DePaul Soup Kitchen. Kathi previously served on the Jubilee Gardens Board, Goodwill’s Junior Group, Youngstown Symphony Society and Stambaugh Pillars and assisted in service groups that travel to underserved areas. Kathi is dedicated to her community and the people within it. She studied Environmental Sciences and Chemical Engineering and received her bachelor of science degree from Youngstown State University. Prior to her role as district administrator, Kathi was an account executive for the United Parcel Service. She also developed Source Water Assistance Protection Plans for the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency’s Division of Drinking and Ground Waters and interned with the Ohio EPA Division of Air Pollution Control. Kathi Vrable-Bryan can be contacted via email at show less Sean McGuire, CPMSM, CPESC As the Environmental Compliance Inspector/District Technician II, Sean provides technical assistance on erosion and sediment control planning and development initiatives. show more Sean is a Certified Professional in Municipal Stormwater Management (CPMSM) and Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC). He has been with Mahoning Soil and Water since October, 2008. Sean studied Environmental Sciences and received his Bachelor of Science degree from Kent State University. Prior to his role at Mahoning Soil and Water, Sean was a lab chemist-2 at Clean Harbors in Ashtabula. His responsibilities included analyzing different types of media such as oil, solvents, soil and metals by Gas Chromatography to determine PCB concentrations. With his findings he would then recommend avenues for proper treatment and disposal procedures. Sean was also a field technician for PSI in Girard, Ohio, and provided environmental and engineering testing and inspection services. Sean McGuire can be contacted via email at show less Blaine Winger As Mahoning County Soil & Water Conservation District’s Agricultural Specialist and District Technician, Blaine provides resources and technical assistance to the agricultural community here in Mahoning County. Blaine brings a wealth of knowledge related to agriculture, timber/forestry and wildlife management. show more Each year, Blaine works with the Mahoning County Auditor’s Office to perform agricultural inspections of properties enrolled in the Current Agricultural Use Value (CAUV) Program, which is a conservation program that brings tax relief to landowners who qualify. Prior to his role at SWCD, Blaine was a ranch manager and assistant ranch manager on cattle operations throughout Texas, New Mexico, Colorado and Oklahoma. Blaine was also a cattle buyer for various states located East of the Mississippi River for a large agricultural cooperative firm. With ranch management experience comes stewardship of the land. As Blaine says, “Ranchers must take care of the land that takes care of them and their cattle. That holds true whether you’re running 25 or 2500 head.” Blaine has conducted various wildlife seminars on behalf of the district, many focusing on wildlife food plots. He recently completed his USDA/NRCS training to receive credentials as a Certified Natural Resource Conservation Planner. He has an Associate of Applied Business in accounting and a Bachelor of Science degree with an emphasis on bovine endocrinology and reproduction from the University of Florida’s College of Agriculture, Food and Animal Sciences. Blaine Winger can be contacted via email at show less Zack Felger As the District Outreach & Education Specialist for the Mahoning County Soil & Water Conservation District, Zack provides resources and technical assistance related to stormwater and conservation education initiatives. show more Some of his work will focus on programs to prevent or reduce pollutant runoff from municipal operations while encouraging public involvement and volunteerism to enhance water and soil quality in our region. Prior to his role at SWCD, Zack previously served as an Educator and Naturalist at Mill Creek MetroParks and as a Naturalist Intern for the Ohio Department of Natural Resources at Pymatuning State Park. His academic credentials include a Bachelor of Science degree in Environmental Science from Youngstown State University. Zack Felger can be contacted via email at show less Matthew Monus, Chairman, Boardman Township A.J Baltes, Vice-Chairman, North Jackson Township Dr. Fred Owens, Fiscal Agent, Austintown Township Elayne Bozick, Secretary, Coitsville Township Richard S. Scarsella, Member, Boardman Township
Environmental Compliance Inspector, District Technician II
Agricultural Specialist, District Technician
District Outreach & Education SpecialistBoard of Supervisors