Take note of upcoming Farm Service Agency Producer Deadlines
Several important Farm Service Agency (FSA) deadlines are fast approaching. Take note of the following key dates:
Feb. 12: Deadline to sign-up for General CRP.
March 5: Deadline to apply for Quality Loss Adjustment (QLA) program.
As a reminder, QLA provides eligible producers with financial assistance for quality losses that incurred in 2018 and/or 2019. Losses must have been a result of qualifying drought, excessive moisture, flooding, hurricane, snowstorm, tornado, typhoon, volcanic activity or wildfire in calendar years 2018 and/or 2019. Additional information about QLA is available on farmers.gov/quality-loss.
March 15:
- Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) and Price Loss Coverage (PLC) election and enrollment application deadline for 2021 crop season.
- CRP Grasslands sign-up begins. Contact the FSA office as the deadline is April 23, 2021.
- Deadline to obtain 2021 NAP coverage on spring planted crops.
- Deadline to purchase NAP coverage for hemp. NAP will be available for 2021 to provide insurance-type coverage due to adverse weather conditions. NAP provides coverage against loss for hemp grown for fiber, grain, seed, or cannabidiol (CBD) for the 2021 crop year where no permanent federal crop insurance program is available.