Update: Board Meeting Set for June 8
In accordance with all state rules and guidance as ordered under the State of Emergency by the Governor of Ohio and the President of the United States regarding the COVID-19 emergency, please be advised that the Mahoning SWCD Board of Supervisors will hold its regular Board Meeting on Monday, June 8, 2020 at 5:30 p.m. via a Zoom meeting.
Any individual wishing to listen in on the meeting can do so by joining our Zoom call. Below is the information to join.
Join the Zoom meeting by clicking this link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83194256587?pwd=VHluaitkbS9tRnZITXBOZ3JXblAyZz09
Or by entering the meeting ID number into Zoom here: 831 9425 6587
Password: 170239
To reduce background noise, please mute your audio during the call.