What is a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan?
A Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3) addresses erosion and sediment control during construction.
Developers and contractors are required to submit an SWP3 to our office when an acre or more of land is disturbed by clearing or “earth moving” activity. These plans are also required when less than an acre is disturbed but it’s part of a larger common plan of development or sale.
Mahoning SWCD is responsible for SWP3 reviews and site inspections for compliance with the Mahoning County Erosion and Sediment Control (ESC) Rules and the Ohio EPA Construction General Permit.
The SWP3 should include practices that will minimize erosion and avoid offsite disposal/discharge of soil sediment. The objective is to keep soil sediment onsite or bypass sediment-laden runoff through a sediment control measure, such as silt fence/sock, temporary sediment trap, or sediment basin.
Unmanaged runoff from construction sites can affect water quality in aquatic resources, including streams, rivers and lakes. It can also affect local stormwater infrastructure, which often results in additional cost on local entities requiring more frequent removal of that sediment.
The SWP3 also contains measures on how it will account for runoff from the developed area after construction is completed.
Once all proper permits have been obtained, local zoning has granted approval (if applicable), and our office reviews and addresses concerns (if any) of the SWP3, it will then be approved by our staff.
For more information, contact our office.