Mahoning SWCD Accepting Spring Fish Sale Orders
The Mahoning Soil & Water Conservation District is excited to announce its plans for the spring fish sale, a venture aimed at promoting water quality and aiding pond and lake owners in the region.
Orders for fingerling-sized fish must be submitted to the district office by Friday, May 3, with pick-up scheduled from 1:00 p.m. to 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 9, at the Canfield Fairgrounds.
A variety of fish species are available for order, including fathead minnows, Largemouth Bass, Bluegill, Hybrid Bluegill, Channel Catfish, Red-ear Sunfish (Shell cracker), Yellow Perch, White Amur, and Japanese Koi. Additionally, the sale includes offerings of fish food, pond conditioner, and pond maintenance books.
Orders can be placed through the district office by phone at (330) 740-7995 or via email at An order form can be downloaded by clicking here.
On the day of pick-up, Participants will need to bring enough containers to hold the purchased fish. Five-gallon buckets work well. Each container must have an unscented poly liner (30 gallon trash bag). THE BAGS ARE NECESSARY TO HOLD OXYGEN TO KEEP THE FISH ALIVE DURING TRANSPORT. Do not use a lid; use a twist tie or twine to close the bag. Each container shall be filled with customer pond water, but just one-third full. General rule of thumb: one container per 100 small fish, one container per 1,000 minnows, one container per 4-5 amurs and koi.
For additional information or pick-up recommendations, individuals are encouraged to contact the district office.